Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer in the garden to help keep our space beautiful and thriving, with multiple days and opportunities. Fruit to Schools our in-school Food Security Program, recurring every week on Monday.
Curious Cooks cooking classes with Brightie at rotating elementary schools every Friday.

See all opportunities here.

Please fill out the Volunteer Waiver and the application to the right to receive emails for additional volunteer opportunities. We look forward to working with you!

Join the fun in the garden and around the community

Our Summit Community Garden is a space for building community, learning new skills, and growing sustainable food in Summit County.  The hard work of volunteers helps make the garden the amazing place that it is, and we love welcoming new folks to our community.  As a volunteer, you’ll get to learn about community gardening and sustainable agriculture while spending time outside in the shadow of the Wasatch mountains! If none of the above opportunities fit your needs or schedule, please fill out the form below. If you have a group of 5 or more looking to volunteer, please contact us at

This is a complete honor system-based and there are absolutely no questions asked from our end. We simply ask you to log your hours because it helps us see how utilized the garden is in the community. We share this data and information when we apply for grants to keep the garden growing. Thank you so much for your time and interest in the garden!